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The relationship between the dimensions of work life quality and organization commitment in staff of Saderat bank of Zahedan city

1104-1108Full Text

Tayebeh Zahedi and Ebrahim Hadadi*

Work life quality is a widespread and master plan that in creases staff satisfaction, rein forces their learning in the environment and helps them in management, change and evolutions while, in the past, only the personal life (non-working) has been emphasized, in modern society, improving the working life is as one of the main goals of the organization and its staff. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between quality of work life and organizational commitment in Saderat bank staff of Zahedan city. This research is practical from goal aspect and is descriptive from data collection and because it studies the relationship between the variables, it is correlative. Dote collection was done by questionnaire that its validity was confirmed by referring experts and conduction survey and its reliability was conformed by Cranach alpha (questionnaire of work life quality (0.854) and questionnaire of organizational commitment (0.773)). The population of this research includes staff of Tran Saderat bank (zahedan city). To determine the sample volume, Morgan table has been used that selected according to sample volume table. To describe data, frequency distribution table and statistical diagrams have been used and to test the research hypotheses inferential statistics techniques such as T one sample test, Pearson correlation coefficient and factorial analysis have been used and software sass has been performed for data analysis. The results show that there is a significant relationship between the quality of work life and organizational commitment.

Impacts of Fusarium head blight (FHB)

1109-1122Full Text

Khodabakhsh Naroei* and Mohammad Salari

Fusarium head blight (FHB) is one of the most devastative diseases in wheat. Growing resistant cultivars is one of the most effective strategies to minimize the disease damage. The fungus produces a mycotoxin known as deoxynivalenol (DON) that poses a significant threat to the health of domestic animals and humans. Symptoms of FHB appear as “bleached heads” or heads with both green and bleached areas. Weather is an extremely important factor in the development of FHB, especially from flowering through kernel development. Moderate temperatures (20 to 30°C) coupled with prolonged periods of high humidity, and prolonged wet periods, are ideal conditions for FHB development. Use of FHB resistant cultivars has been found as one of the most effective solutions for reducing FHB damage.

Condition Monitoring of Hydrolic Pump by Wavelet Transform and Artificial Neural Network

1123-1128Full Text

Elyas Salimi* and Behrouz Niromandfam

Continuous increasing of costs and increasing development of technology has made it necessary to delete some parts of costs that have no role in promoting quality and from the point of performance they are unnecessary. According to what mentioned, the present research has been done to design, development and evaluate fault diagnosis system of hydraulic pump through vibration analyzing and nervous net. The results of this research show that using statistical parameters of vibration spectrum is a simple method for getting characteristics of the spectrum, using data analysis method for selecting major characteristics will reduce the number of parameters and will increase net speed, changing wavelet transform will be successful process for unstable signals getting from hydraulic pump in different states, general accuracy of the net for recognizing defect in all states is higher than 95% and it shows that efficiency of the net for recognizing defect is good and acceptable.

The relationship between personality traits and social acceptance level and internet addiction

1129-1132Full Text

Ghasem Askarizadeh, Ali Amiri and Mahsa Karamoozian*

Since internet is an important part of people life and its use increases rapidly, its excessive use leads to internet addiction and ultimately leads to disorders and problems in life. The present study aims to assess the relationship between personality traits and social acceptance level and internet addiction. For this purpose, 360 students of Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman were selected using stratified cluster sampling. To collect data, Young’s 20-item questionnaire of internet addiction, Eysenck’s 48-item questionnaire of personality, and 33-item questionnaire of social acceptance were used. The data were analyzed using Spss 16 software and regression analysis method. Results showed that there is a significant negative relationship between internet addiction and social acceptance level and there is significant positive relationship between personality traits of neurosis and psychosis and internet addiction, while there is no relationship between extroversion and internet addicti).

Legal effects of Transexuality in family

1133-1135Full Text

Hamideh Samavati* and Ayoob Ahmadpoor Gohart

In this article we showed the legal effect of Tran sexuality in fields of dower, marriage and price wedding. The research showed that there are different approaches in fields. in dowry there was four different approaches: Not entitled to dower according to that dowry is belong to woman, entitled to dower, Deserve of all the dowry In the case of penetration and Half dowry in lake of it but this was not acceptable because of this issue is related to divorce, Not entitled to dower with no her husband's permission because woman with this work impose a financial loss to him. In field of legal effect of Tran sexuality on marriage there was two approaches dissolving and nullity of marriage .for nullity of marriage, there were three ways Tran sexuality of one couples, Tran sexuality of both couples in different time and Tran sexuality of both couples in one time. In price wedding the most problem was that Tran’s sexuality was a medical treatment so we could not imposed price wedding to him or her with using theory of Abuse of rights.


1136-1141Full Text

Nik Rafidah Nik Muhamad Affendi* and Awang Azman Awang Pawi

This research utilizes the collection of stories in the Malay Language, available at Leiden University’s KITLV (Koninklij Instituut Voor de Taal-Lan-en Volkenkunde or more known of as The Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies). The purpose of this research is to examine the collection of stories in the Malay Language and aspects of the Malay psychology and its relations to the Malay common sense in the past and its contemporary interpretations. The research methodology used 15 collections of stories in the Malay Language published in the year 1871. This is because, it is able to trace the publishing of the collections of stories to Batavia particularly ammased by Tweede Druk. The research shows a large portion of the Malay common sense contained in these stories are relevant and reflects the soul and universality of antiquity and contemporary Malay.

The impact of Climate change on pastoralist's livelihood in South Kordofan State, Sudan

1142-1148Full Text

Ogal Sabil Ali Maalla, Ali Musa Abakar, Yousif M.Hamdi , Maruod E. Maruod* and Osman Elsaid adlan

Livestock generally serves a number of purposes to rural people. It is an asset, recognized by all, thus provides prestige and collateral for socio/economic engagements. In spite of the importance of livestock sector, pastoralists face a number of challenges that hinder their way of life and stifle their ability to adapt to changes in their external environment. The current study was directed to focus on the climate change impact on pastoralist's livelihoods in South Kordoan State, besides, assessing the socioeconomic impacts of climate change on pastoralists household. A social survey was done based on a representing sample of (264) questionnaire distributed to the household of pastoralist in three routes with the study area. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression. The results revealed that the majority of the respondents (98.2%) confirmed that the Range capacity had decreased, on other hand 91.1% indicated that livestock was the main source for their livelihood with small portion of trade and crops selling. The study also showed that more than 90% of the respondents reported deterioration and changes in their traditional routes due to many reasons including expansion of agriculture (49.8%), war and conflict (27.4%) and decrease in Range productivity (17.7), lack of drinking water (2.5). The results of regression analysis showed that the coefficient of determination R2 was 88% which means that the factor included in the model explain 88% of the change in size of herd owned by the pastoralist. The overall test of significance of the model was significant at P (0.01.). The study recommended diversification in the activities and the animal type to cope with the impacts of climate change.

Impact of Climate Change on Field Crops Production in Zalingei locality, Central Darfur State, Sudan

1149-1154Full Text

Elkhalil E. Breima, Abdelmuniem Taha, Abdelaziz E. Elshiekh and Maruod E. Maruod*

The current study was conducted in Zalingei locality-Central Darfur state during 2014/2015 cropping season. In this area climate is generally typical to poor and rich savanna that is locally modified by the effect of the position of Jebel Marra massif (3040 masl). Climate change is a putative threat to crop production and rural livelihoods. Crops grown include sorghum, millet, groundnut, sesame, potatoes, sweet potato, onion, tomato, sugar cane and tomatoes. The main objectives of the study were to assess the impact of climate change on agriculture production, Estimate how climate change affects the current agricultural system and project potential climate change and the options of adaptation in the study area. Questionnaires and group discussion were applied. Multi-stage random sampling technique was used. Data used covered period from 1990 – 2014, and subjected to frequency distribution using SPSS software plus Excel, correlation and multiple regression to establish the type and strength of relationship and effect of parameters on yields. Frequency distribution of farmers perception to climate change stated that production decreased and increased by 50 and 20%, while 20 and 10% said constant and don’t know, respectively. The correlation analysis results between climatic variables and crop yields (1990 -2014) revealed that total rainfall is weakly positively correlated with millet (.015) and sesame (.281) and minimal negatively correlated with groundnut (-.029). While the higher the rainfall resulted in decrease of groundnut yield. Rainfall correlation with sorghum (.344*) was found to be statistically significant at five percent from zero level. Average temperature was modest positively correlated with sorghum (.313), sesame (.322) while it is almost minimal with groundnut (.002) and smallest negatively correlated with millet (-.205). Relative humidity was found smallest positively correlated with sorghum (.111), Groundnut (.102) and sesame (.117) while smallest negatively correlated with millet (-.142). The regression analysis recorded for yield crops indicated that millet, sorghum, groundnut and sesame have coefficient of determination percentage of 6, 24, 1.2, and 20.4 %, respectively. The results also showed that total rainfall and temperature were significant at five percent from zero level in sorghum (.066* and .087*) and sesame (.093*) respectively. The study concluded that climatic impact of total rainfall; temperature and relative humidity were highly significant on crop yield , while the other factors has no significant impact on crop yields.

Study of flock structure and some morphological, productive and reproductive characters of Sudanese Desert goats in North Kordofan StateSudan

1155-1158Full Text

Mohamed Ali MA* and Eldaw AS

The current study was conducted during 2013 with the aim of studying flock structure and some morphological, productive and reproductive characters of Sudanese Desert goats in North Kordofan State. Data were analyzed using SPSS and results were presented mainly as frequencies and descriptive statistics. The average flock size was 23 heads and mainly composed of females (86.38%). The majority of studied animals are black in colour with fine short hair and long pendulous ears. Forehead is flat, profile straight or slightly dished. Most owners (64.32%) herded goats alone while some of them have mixed herds with cattle or camels. Feeding management depended mainly on natural pasture in addition to crop residues. The average age of puberty was 5.84 and 5.32 and that of first service was 6.46 and 5.94 months for males and females, respectively. Multiple births are common, age at first kidding was about 10.54 months, and the average kidding interval was about 210.52 days. Does are usually milked in early morning with a daily yield of 0.46 - 0.49 Kg. weaning age ranging from 2-4 months after a lactation period of about 108-124 days. The mean body weight of studied animals was 22.70 and 23.84 Kg for males and females, respectively. Body measurements for males and females, respectively, were height at withers (67.03 vis 68.37), body length (57.65 vis 57.10), heart girth (64.96 vis 67.06), length of neck (29.91 vis 30.24), ear length (21.37 vis 22.36), horn length (12.70 vis 15.34) and tail length (14.32 vis 14.45 cm).

Wild fruits impact on household’s income and livelihoods in Abyii locality in western sector localities of South Kordofan State, Sudan

1159-1164Full Text

Sitar M. Ibrahim, Yousif M. Hamdi, Abdelaziz A. Elshiekh, Fathi H. Balldo and Maruod E. Maruod*

The current study was conducted in Abyii locality to identify wild fruits contribution on Household income and livelihoods, fruits return, collection days and fruits trees optimum combination that maximize the small producer’s gross margin(GM). 100 fruits collectors were selected purposively through field survey in 2013/2014 season. Fruits collectors obtained SDG 17,596.34 of fruits annual cash income fallowed by agriculture SDG 7,700. The total annual income was found to be SDG 25,296.34 as GM to cover household expenditure. Study found that household net income was SDG 9,191. Regression analysis results showed that, the estimated R2 was 0.83which explained that 83% of fruits return variation was determined by fruits prices, distance and collection cost. However F- value was 8.63 while F- tabulated was 2.54, indicates that the model is highly (p<0.001) significant in explaining the fruits return variation for fruits. The previous GM was SDG 17,596.34 Linear programming result showed that, a total GM was found to be SDG19, 285.61. Five trees were tested in the area where optimum tree combination that maximized the small producers gross margin was to cultivate 1.23 and 4.13feddan of Balanites and G.tenax to get GM equal SDG 15440 and 3845.61respectively and total GM was found to be SDG 19,285.61.The optimum GM makes an increment in the previous GM by 8.75%. The optimum under reallocation of resources indicated that, an improvement in GM and cash income per feddan(4200 M2) by 4%. Partial budgeting indicated that, all fruits quantities gave positive returns. The collection days fill the gap between the production seasons. The results showed that Grewia tenax fruits GM was found to be SDG 806.58 (4). Household economy analysis showed that, wild fruits contribute to household income and expenditure by 70.5% and 109%, respectively. Fruits collection is most important source of cash income and employment. The study recommended that fruits trees should be adopted and domesticated through, extension services. Because NTFPs collection and marketing improving household income and participate on food item expenditure.

Impact of climate change on food security in Elnuhood locality of Western Kordofan State, Sudan

1165-1173Full Text

Elkhalil E. Breima, Fathi H. Balldo, Abdelaziz A. Elshiekh and Maruod E. Maruod*

The current study was carried out to test and identify the impact of climate change on food security in Elnuhood locality. 62 households’ participants were randomly selected through questionnaire field survey during 2012/2013-2013/2014 cropping seasons. The multi stage-stratified random sample technique was applied. Household economy approach (HEA), Linear programming (L.P), Partial crop budget, Dominance analysis, Marginal analysis, Sensitivity analysis, Time series analysis, Linear regression (L.R) and correlation coefficients as empirical approaches were applied. The households economy approach for the daily energy received per person per day in k. calories was calculated being 2242. According to WHO minimum rate of 2300 calories per person per day, this results implies that the households is marginally food insecure. Results of Linear programming (L.P) revealed a total of SDG 33706 as net income by producing and optimized only sorghum on the total of 9 hectares of land. The net crop income from this results was found lesser than the minimum livelihood requirement by 445%. Therefore, households are unable to mel the minimum livelihood requirement under the present climate conditions. Partial crop budget revealed that Higher net benefits in SDG were determined by cowpea (2999) followed by okra (2928) while a lower net return was obtained by watermelon (SDG 87). The dominance analysis results rendered 4 of nine treatment unacceptable for investment as five are other treatments with higher net returns of lower costs thereby leaving five treatments for the marginal rate of return (MRR) analysis. Analysis of marginal rate of returns revealed that T3 (Cowpea) was higher than minimum acceptable rate of return. Therefore treatment T2 and T3 (millet and cowpea) were emerged as the best among the alternatives and they had positive marginal rate of return of 150.9 and 378.3 %, respectively. Accordingly every SDG 1.00 invested in crop production, farmer can expect to recover the SDG 1.00 and earned additional SDG 1.509. Sensitivity analysis that assuming costs over run by 10% keeping the benefits same, and benefits reduction by 10% keeping costs same founded that T3 (cowpea) was the best and highly stable with MRR 352% while that of benefit short fall by 10% indicated also T3 was stable with MRR 348.6 %. Linear regression results shows that p-values of trend of the average maximum temperature was significant at five percent from zero level for groundnut and Roselle while total rainfall showed noticeable significance at five percent from zero level for cowpea and watermelon with Adjusted R2 of 79, 21, 31 and 20% respectively. This implies that the impact of climate change on food security variation can be explained by climatic factors. Results also revealed that climate has no impact on millet, sorghum, and sesame. This is highlights that variation in crop production as well as food security attributed to other non-climatic factors such as lack of extension and access to credit amongst households. In addition to examining descriptive statistics and analyzing linear trend between time and climatic variables and changes in trend (upward or downward) over the whole period (2000-2013). Results founded that there were significant and positive trend between total crop production and time at five percent from zero level on millet, cowpea and watermelon. This means that variation in production impacted by climate change during the long period. Correlation coefficient results showed that values of millet, sorghum, sesame, groundnut and Roselle production were weakly and negatively correlated with time and average maximum temperature. Cowpea and watermelon were significant at 0.5 percent from zero level with time and temperature. Groundnut production was significantly correlated (0.01) with total rainfall. However, Roselle has significant correlation at five percent from zero level with total rainfall. A weak and negative correlation relationship exists between millet, sorghum, groundnut, Roselle and watermelon and total rainfall. Moderately correlation showed by sesame and temperature. While smallest (0.195 and 0.182) positive correlation was given by sorghum and sesame against total rainfall. The above analysis implies that the effect of climate on grain production in the study area is not significant. However, the effect of average maximum temperature and rainfall on cowpea, time, groundnut and Roselle were respectively significant.

Effect of Management on Grazing Resources at Elain Natural Forest Reserve in North Kordofan State, Sudan

1174-1179Full Text

Omer I. M. Olom, Ahmed M. M. Lazim, Salih O. T. Kafe AND Maroud E.Maroud*

The current study was conducted in North Kordofan State at two range sites (Elain natural forest reserve and open area adjacent to it), for two successive seasons (2012/2013/ and 2013/2014), with objective to investigate the effect of management (forested versus open) on some herbaceous vegetation attributes. A (t) test was done to compare data of herbaceous vegetation attributes in forested and open area. Herbaceous vegetation attributes were measured using parker loop (3/4”), line transect and quadrate (m²). The results indicated that there was highly significant (p < 0.01) different in forage biomass yield of herbaceous plants between forested and open area in the second season whereas the other herbaceous vegetation attributes recorded no significant (p > 0.05) different between forested and open area. The results indicated that forested area had higher plant%, density, forage biomass and carrying capacity, than open area in the two seasons (78.3 and 53.1 % versus 73.8 and 44.33 %, 13.4 and 39.1 plant/ m² versus 12.9 and 29.8 plant/ m², 137.6 and 185.2 kg/ha versus 90.2 and 47.9 kg/ha, 26.1 and 19.4 ha/TLU/8month versus 37.5 and 75 ha/TLU/8month, respectively). Forested area had lower bare ground% compared to open area in the two seasons (9.6 and 3.17% versus 12.0 and 14.0% respectively). Schoenefeldia gracilis as annual grass was dominant in both forested and open area. Open area had higher diversity in term of occurrence of many different grasses and forbs species especially in the second season. Cassia tora as invader undesirable species was more frequent in open area. The study recommends that reseeding of high palatable endangered species such as Cenchrus ciliaris, Blipharis linarifolia and Vigna sun-hum in both forested and open area, besides adjustment of livestock number according to carrying capacity.


1180-1186Full Text

Ezeama Martina .C. and Ezeamah Franklin Ikenna*

The problems of maternal morbidity and mortality have been associated with inappropriate health care seeking behaviour in pregnancy and childbirth. The purpose of this study was to learn the details of prenatal health care seeking, the social and cognitive factors that influence these choices in Akinyele Local Government Area Oyo State and to discuss the implications for health education. Population for the study was women who delivered babies 1 year ago. Systematic sampling was used to cover the eight communities in Akinyele . Questionnaire was developed from focus group discussion and pretested. Women of childbearing age were trained as interviewers. A total of 405 women were interviewed. 84.9% registered for ANC during recent pregnancy. Median age of pregnancy at registration was 20 weeks, 6.0% registered in first trimester, 64.8% second trimester and the remainder registered last trimester. Regression analysis showed that ANC registration was associated with higher educational level; 61.4% no education, 84.7% primary education and 91.3% higher education; higher level of perceived self-efficacy and more positive attitude towards ANC. Social support was higher for those who registered (20.9) compared to those who did not (15.8). 193 (47.7%) delivered at Maternity Centers, 73 (18.1%) private hospitals, 43 (10.6%) at home, 41 (10.1%) government hospitals, 33 (8.1%) spiritual homes, 15 (3.7%) Traditional Birth Attendants, 2 (0.5%) on the farm and 5 (1.2%) no response. Education influenced registration for ANC as most delivering were attended by skilled personnel. Therefore, girl child education is recommended.

The effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy on subjective well-being of patients with chronic tension-type headache

1187-1191Full Text

Mehrnaz sadat Kahangi

Background: The most common type of headache is the tension headache that caused a sharp drop in the daily operation. Because drug therapy alone in the treatment of these patients is not good enough, so this study was to investigate the effectiveness of cognitive behavioral therapy on subjective well-being of patients with chronic tension headaches were women. Methods: Among all patients with chronic tension headaches, which were referred to the hospital Millad Tehran, 32 people volunteered sampling and randomly divided into control and experimental groups. The intervention consisted of 10 weekly sessions (1.5-hour sessions), cognitive-behavioral therapy for the treatment group, while the control group received routine medical care. For data collection tool life satisfaction and positive and negative affect were used. Results were analyzed by covariance (ANCOVA). Results: The life satisfaction and positive affect were significantly increased in the experimental group. The negative sentiment also significantly reduced in the groups (p <0.05).

Investigation of Gluten Free Bread’ properties Using Lactic Acid Corn sourdough

1192-1194Full Text

Mozhdeh Fazel Tehrani Moghadam*, Seyyed Hadi Razavi and Orang Eyvazzadeh

Celiac disease (CD) is a syndrome characterized by damage of the small intestinal mucosa caused by the gliadin fraction of wheat gluten and similar alcohol-soluble proteins (prolamines) of barley and rye in genetically susceptible subjects. Aims of our study were investigation of gluten free bread’ properties using lactic acid corn sourdough. At this study, two factors were investigated, first factor included Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus fermentum. Also, the percentage change in the composition of sourdough bread was considered as the second variable. Lactobacillus plantarum (DSMZ, strain ATCC 20179) and Lactobacillus fermentum (DSMZ strain ATCC 9338) were prepared as a lyophilized from Microbiology Laboratory of Food Science and Technology Department of Tehran University. This study showed that the using of sourdough bread can improve quality and also to delay the staling process. Use higher values for corn and rice can perfectly increase the quality of bread and decrease staling of bread. Lactic acid bacteria in sourdough produce organic acids antimicrobial materials and they are effective in delaying moldy bread. As a result, by using of sourdough amount of bread waste can be reduced because these wastes produce by corruption.

Relationships between Timurid Empire and Qara Qoyunlu & Aq Qoyunlu Turkmens

1195-1202Full Text

Jamshid Norouzi and Wirya Azizi*

Following Abu Saeed Ilkhan’s death (from Mongol Empire), for half a century, Iranian lands were reigned by local rules. Finally, lately in the 8th century, Amir Timur thrived from Transoxiana in northeastern Iran, and gradually made obedient Iran and surrounding countries. However, in the Northwest of Iran, Turkmen tribes reigned but during the Timurid raids they had returned to obedience, and just as withdrawal of the Timurid troops, they were quickly back their former power. These clans and tribes sometimes were troublesome to the Ottoman Empires and Mamluk Sultanate of Egypt. Due to the remoteness of these regions of Timurid Capital and, more importantly, lack of permanent government administrations and organizations of the Timurid capital, following Amir Timur’s death, because of dynastic struggles among his Sons and Grandsons, the Turkmens under these conditions were increasing their power and then they had challenged the Timurid princes. The most important goals of this study has focused on investigation of their relationships and struggles. How and why Timurid Empire has begun to combat against Qara Qoyunlu and Aq Qoyunlu Turkmens; what were the reasons for the failure of the Timurid deal with them, these are the questions that we try to find the answers in our study.